Frequently asked questions

Encountered any problems with SABAI99 ? Find Answers here.

How to login?
Forget Password.
Change bank account.
Change Password.
Why can't top-up?
Can I use another person's account to deposit?
Deposit methods.
How to use piggy bank
Why can't withdraw money?
Can I deposit money to play without receiving a bonus?
Can I cancel the bonuses?
What is the diamond on the Sabai99 app?
How to withdraw money from the free mode?
What is VIP system?
Can cancel credit in free mode to bet with real money or not?
How to fix when the app crashed?
How can I share Sabai99 to friends?
How to change DNS on Windows?
How to change DNS on macOS ?
How to change DNS on Android Devices ?
How to change DNS on iOS mobile ?
Do you have a fan club? I want to know who is playing with me.
What is the diamond on the Sabai99 app?