Anrdroid Native
Sabai99 provides two different version for Android Native, an *.apk version and a Google Play Store version. You can find them on the home page of the website.
How to install android version of Sabai99?
Sabai99 provides two different versions for Android Native, which is APK version and Google Play Store version. You can find them on the home page of the website.
To install APK version, please use your mobile browser and download from here. After download, click install and provide all needed privileges during the install process.
Some android devices are unable to install directly from the browser’s ‘download list’, if you see any errors when clicking on the file, please try to open APK file from android ‘file’ app.
If you have any problem about installation, please contact us and provide your device information.
Google Play Store
Sabai99 is published on Google Play Store in some regions. You can search ‘sabai99’ in your store page. Beware that some competitors falsely may be use our brand falsely, so please make sure the app is from us or just download the APK version.
Difference between the APK and Google Play Store version
We are updating the app with a very short frequency to provide you a better gaming experience. Because of the policy and review process of Google Play Store is slightly different with the APK version, it need to follow the google store publishing policy, which that not always providing the latest version. Some new features will be delayed if you are using the store version.
If I have two icons on my Home Screen
If you found you have two Sabai99 icons on your home screen at the same time, it’s possible that you have two versions both APK and Play Store. Please remove them all and download again from