How to get Bonus share

You can join this activity when your coin is less than 10

  • 1. Click >> Mission << in the bottom of menu.
  • 2. Click >>Share Rewards<< then Click Share.
  • 3. The system will connect with your Facebook automatically.
  • 4. When you already share on Facebook Click correct credit free 20
  • 5. The system will go to Free Mode.
  • 6. This activity can join temporarily only.

Withdrawal conditions

Can play with any Games in the website.
Make 200 can withdraw 100

How to withdraw money

  • 1. When the balance has met the conditions, click the silver symbol button on the top right.
  • 2. Click exchange button and click exchange.

    * Excess credit will be deducted when you make withdrawal.
  • 3. The system will automatically transfer money to your registered account.